Workshop: Embroidering the Unexpected

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Workshop: Embroidering the Unexpected

from $115.00

We’ll explore some ideas on choosing different and unexpected materials to stitch on, and what that might introduce to your stitching practice. Materials hold so much meaning in our lives, and by introducing an unexpected material to stitch, we can make new and different connections in our work. We’ll forage for materials together and go over steps to prepare botanical materials for stitching and how to transfer a design onto your chosen object or material. I’ll demonstrate stitching into leaves and nontraditional materials and by the end of the course you should have some stitchwork on an unexpected or unusual material of your choice.

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Hillary Waters Fayle is an Artist and Assistant Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, where she directs the fiber/textile program. She has previously taught at the Appalachian Center for Craft (TN), Penland School of Craft (NC), the Mediterranean Art & Design Program (Italy), Yasar University (Turkey) and was recently awarded residencies at Oak Spring Garden Foundation (VA) and Bazart Textile (France).